BYG Canada ep. 4 – Regina, Saskatchewan: The Big Puzzle

In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you to Regina, Saskatchewan to explore one of the greatest puzzles in Canadian geologic history. The Trans-Hudson Orogeny was a massive Paleoproterozoic mountain building event that built a large portion of North America. Over a billion years of erosion now conceals the Himalaya-sized event in the flat […]

Storybook Earth ep. 2 – A Tell-tale Sign of Tectonic Activity

Episode summary introduction: In this episode of Storybook Earth, Jess tells the intricate tale of faults. She will talk about exactly what a fault is, how it is formed, as well as the different kinds of faults…yes, there are more than one! She will even talk about her own experiences with faults and a special one close to […]

Geological Expeditions of Yore ep.7 – Tanya Atwater

Episode summary introduction:​ ​This episode of GEOY explores the incredible and inspiring life of notable geologist Tanya Atwater, the Mother of Plate Tectonics. Geologists Mikaela Moore and Gillian Ivey discuss Atwater’s life from a young age, through her major discoveries regarding the theories of plate tectonics, obstacles and discrimination faced as a woman in science […]