San Benedicto Island in the Mexican Pacific Ocean: Young phreatomagmatic tuffs and lavas in a volcanic beach paradise with Roberto H. Téllez-Vizcaíno

Roberto Téllez-Vizcaíno has a master’s degree in applied geosciences and is passionate about volcanoes. He will soon be a doctoral student at the Potosino Institute of Scientific and Technological Research. Born curious, his interest in volcanology dates back to his hometown Colima, the place of the Colima Volcano of Fire. He conducted research for his […]

The Volcanic Island of Isla Socorro with Pep Cabré

Pep Cabré is a geologist from Barcelona, Spain who studied his final year of undergrad in Iceland. Afterwards, he was part of INVOGE, a master programme in volcanology between Michigan Technological University and Universitée Blaise Pascal in France. For his master thesis, he studied the textural characteristics of pyroclasts from different sizes. He also worked […]