Backyard Geology ep.8 – Lava

Episode summary introduction:​ ​In this episode of Backyard Geology, Chris explores the incredible variety and flow of lava! Not everyone’s backyard is a place to see lava, but that doesn’t mean that lava flows are uncommon. Chris will explore the major types of lava as well as share some unbelievable, and in some cases, catastrophic […]

Fieldwork with Chris Spencer

Episode summary introduction:​ ​ In this episode Dr B. interviews, the original traveling geologist himself, Assistant Prof. Chris Spencer. Chris shares how the initiative of traveling geologist started during his PhD studies in St. Andrews, and also, his love for one of the most fascinating parts of our job: fieldwork. During this Gneiss chats episode, […]

Backyard Geology ep.7 – Oil

Episode summary introduction:​ ​In this episode of Backyard Geology, Chris explores oil found right in people’s backyards. Finding oil in your backyard depends on a host of variables that all need to align perfectly. From the hill billies who struck oil and moved to Beverly Hills to the oil dowsers of the Appalachians, oil has […]