BYG Canada ep. 4 – Regina Bonus Episode with Fiona Darbyshire

Geologists have eyes for the subsurface, and that is especially true for geophysicists like Dr. Fiona Darbyshire who studies the complicated structure of Earth’s crust. Parts of the Canadian prairies hide the remnants of an ancient, colossal mountain building event, preserved in the crust. Dr. Darbyshire explains how geologists study these events by examining the […]

BYG Canada ep. 4 – Regina, Saskatchewan: The Big Puzzle

In this episode of Backyard Geology, Serena takes you to Regina, Saskatchewan to explore one of the greatest puzzles in Canadian geologic history. The Trans-Hudson Orogeny was a massive Paleoproterozoic mountain building event that built a large portion of North America. Over a billion years of erosion now conceals the Himalaya-sized event in the flat […]