Understanding the eruptive history of Volcán Manantial Pelado, Chile with Heather Winslow

Heather Winslow completed her BA in environmental science at Willamette University followed by a year of post-baccalaureate work at Oregon State University. She’s in her first year of graduate school at the University of Nevada, Reno pursuing her MS in geology. Heather is interested in using geochemistry and igneous petrology to understand the internal plumbing […]

A contrast of field work in Tibet and Patagonia with Devon Orme

Devon Orme is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. Her research focuses on sedimentary basins and the tectono-thermal history of orogenic systems. You can find out more about her at https://devonorme.com. As with many geologists, fieldwork is where my passion for studying Earth developed. In an undergraduate field methods course in the mountains of Big Sur, California, […]