Storybook Earth ep. 3 – Read the Rocks

Episode summary introduction: In this episode of Storybook Earth, Jess will tell the story of rocks. Did you know that there are many different kinds of rocks? Do you know how they are made? Well, Jess has all the answers and will share the ins and outs of the earth under your feet. She will even […]

Storybook Earth ep. 2 – A Tell-tale Sign of Tectonic Activity

Episode summary introduction: In this episode of Storybook Earth, Jess tells the intricate tale of faults. She will talk about exactly what a fault is, how it is formed, as well as the different kinds of faults…yes, there are more than one! She will even talk about her own experiences with faults and a special one close to […]

Storybook Earth ep.1 – Ebb and Flow of Ice

Episode summary: In this episode of Storybook Earth, Jess shares her own experiences with the natural environment of her childhood home and how its unique landscape was shaped by glacial activity during the ice ages of geologic history. What are ice ages? How do they happen? When was the last one? Jess has answers to […]